Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindergarten News

Possible Field Trip?

I have been working with Home Depot trying to set up a workshop for next week. However, I can not get a definite answer from them.  I am suppose to hear back from them no later than tomorrow.  When I do,  I will send out an email for drivers.  I am so sorry that I am vague. Every year they host our kid’s workshop, but are always slow responding. Thanks for your understanding! It is a great field trip.

Special points of interest:

Mon., Nov. 30th- Kick-off for Toy for Tots
Tues. Dec. 1st-Picture Retake Day
(Please wear dress uniform, if planning for a picture retake
Thurs., Dec. 17th-Pajama Day
Fri., Dec. 18th-Christmas Pageant (after chapel) and class party-11:30 dismissal
 Please make sure your child is
practicing his or her sight word list each night. We would like all students to have completed sight word list “9” by Christmas.


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