Sunday, December 6, 2015

Kindergarten News

Home Depot is coming to Kindergarten!

It is definitely the most wonderful and busiest time of year!  So we are going to have Home Depot bring their kid’s workshop to us on Wednesday.  That way we will not need drivers or permission slips.  I know the kids will love it!!!   Parents, you are welcome to join the fun They should be here around 10:00, Wednesday morning.
Fri., Dec. 11th-Show and Tell
Fri., Dec. 11th-Final day for drop-off of for toys.)
Also, Dress down day for Relay for Life. $5.00 donation for dress down goes to Cancer research.
Thurs., Dec. 17th-Pajama Day and Lessons and Carols-(3rd-8th grade perform)       7 p.m.
Fri. Dec. 18th-Christmas Pageant –during morning Chapel (Pre-K through 2nd grade perform) and Christmas party following play-11:30 dismissal (no afterschool)


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