Monday, November 9, 2015

Kindergarten News

Special points of interest:

· Fri., Nov. 13th Thanksgiving Feast/House Competition. Students need to wear their “House” t-shirts, and they may wear jeans

· Tues., Nov. 17th-Leaf Collection due (children need to bring in 6 or 8 different types of leaves.)

· Fri., Nov. 20th-Each year, St. John’s Lutheran Church cooks and delivers about 5,000 Thanksgiving meals for people in our community.  This year, St. George’s Episcopal School will help by donating cans of jellied cranberry sauce. Students may bring cans of jellied cranberry sauce to chapel every morning. The house with the most cans will get extra house points. The collection will end on Friday, November 20.

Nov. 23rd-27th-Thanksgiving Holidays
SGES Thanksgiving Feast
Our Thanksgiving Feast is this Friday. We are making Indian garb in class, and the children will be dressing as Indians for our feast. The students need to wear their “House” t-shirt and they may wear jeans to school. If you don’t want your child to wear face paint, please let us know.  
Also, the children will perform a short Indian song in Chapel on Friday.
We will be learning about trees and leaves next week. The children will be asked to bring in a leaf collection (6 –8 different shapes & sizes) next Tuesday. With all the rain, I thought it would be better to introduce our leaf unit next week.



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