Sunday, September 20, 2015

Kindergarten News

This Friday is “Blessing of the Animals”. Please meet out front next to the picnic tables with your pet in the morning.  If you're unable to bring your pet, you may bring a picture of your pet or a picture of a relative’s or friend’s pet to be blessed.  Participation is completely optional, but the entire school will gather in front of the school to share in the festivities. All pets should be on a leash or in a pet carrier. All pets must go home after the blessing
. Parents, please stay with your child and pet. If your child does not have a pet, and you do not have time to join us, please find one of us and let us know that your child is not with a parent so that we may have all children accounted for outside. Please leave your child’s book bag outside on the breezeway, the building will be locked until after the ceremony.
Candy for Childhood Cancer
We kicked off our candy sales on Friday, and it was a big hit.  We appreciate any fun size candy donations. We look forward to a successful service project!
  Noah’s Ark Sanctuary
Our first field trip is coming up next week. Thank you to the Fullers, Jenkins, Takle, and Livingston for volunteering to drive for our field trip.  If you like to join us, please let me know.  I have Hannah (Barrett’s Nanny) as one of the chaperones. Thanks for all your   support.
Special points of interest:
J Fri. Sept. 25th-Blessing of the Animals
J Tues. Sept 29th-Family Fun Run/picnic
J Fri., Oct. 2nd-Noah’s Ark Sanctuary-field trip
J Fri. Oct. 9th-Grandparent’s Day -11:30  dismissal
J Mon. Oct. 12th-16th-Fall Break




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