Monday, September 28, 2015

Kindergarten News

Noah's Ark Sanctuary Field Trip

Thank you to all who have volunteered to drive and chaperone on our field trip to Noah’s Ark Sanctuary on     Friday.  We will leave right after lunch at 11:30 from the front of the school and should return by 2:45. The children may wear their everyday uniform, and please do not forget to send your child’s car seat
to school on Friday, The children are so excited!

Special points of interest:

J Fri. Oct.  2nd-Field Trip to  Noah’s Ark Sanctuary (SCHOLASTIC ORDERS DUE)
J Fri. Oct. 9th-Grandparent’s Day 11:30 dismissal (be sure and complete the form in your child's folder regarding Grandparents' Day).
J Mon. Oct. 12th-15th-Fall Break
Candy for Cancer Sale
Thank you for all your donations to our candy drive for childhood cancer. We had a very big  opening week!


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