Monday, September 14, 2015

Kindergarten News    9-14-15

 It is time for Pirate Day!  All mates report to class on Friday dressed in ye pirate garb! (optional) .   Also, don’t forget to leave yer weapons on ye ship at home and prepare for a day of swashbuckling adventures!
Kindergarten Service Project
This year the kindergarten class has decided to take on two service projects.  The first project will be for childhood cancer.  Unfortunately, our class has been touched by this dreadful disease.  Ketren was diagnosed as a toddler with leukemia and had to undergo months of treatment.  Today Ketren is cancer free and is a healthy kindergartener. We are so blessed to have Ketren as part of our class.  Our second project is going to be raising money for Noah’s Ark Sanctuary.  The children will get a first-hand chance to view the facility and animals on our field trip. Noah’s Ark operates solely on donations. The children have decided to raise money for both of these organizations.  We are going to fill a basket with fun size candy for all SGES students to buy for 50 cents during lunch. Students may also donate money without a purchase. We are going to kick this project off next week, in honor of September being Childhood Cancer Awareness month.  We will collect money up until December and donate to Coins4CURE.  CURE Childhood Cancer is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research and through support of patients and their families.  From January to March we will collect money for Noah’s Ark Sanctuary. We would appreciate any assistance with our service project.  If each family could donate at least 4 or 5 bags of fun size candy, we should have enough to get us started.  I will use some of the funds to buy more bags before the Halloween candy sales end. The children are very excited.  Thanks for all 
you do and your support!

Special points of interest:

J Fri., Sept. 18th-Pirate Day
J Fri., 25th-Blessing of the Animals
J Fri., Oct. 2nd-Field Trip/Noah’s Ark, Locust Grove (Please let me know if you did not receive the permission slip via your email account)


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