Sunday, May 4, 2014

Kindergarten News  5-5-14

Shiver me Timbers.Pirate Day will be on Friday, May 16th.  All mates are to report to class dressed in pirate garb (optional-or everyday uniform).  Leave yer weapons on yer ship and prepare for some swashbuckling fun.

Our final Lisa Mart will take place in a couple of weeks. If you are cleaning out toy closets and need a place to donate gently used items, we  would appreciate your generosity to make this final “Lisa Mart” a success. Thanks for all you do!

Special points of interest:

· Thurs., May 8th-Relay for Life (Dress Down Day-$5.00-optional)
· Fri., May 9th-Show and Tell
· Fri., May 16th-Pirate Day
· Thurs. May 22nd-End-of-Year Class Party-Wear “House” shirt
· Fri., May 23rd– Last Day of School (11:30 dismissal) Kindergarten Bridging-after morning chapel.

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