Sunday, April 27, 2014

Kindergarten News 4-28-14

Field Day
This Friday is our annual field day.  Each child needs to wear his or her “House” t-shirt, shorts, athletic shoes, and sunscreen. The children will be rotating around the baseball field competing in various events throughout the morning.  Please send a water bottle with your child to school on Friday.  Friday is an 11:30 dismissal. The children are usually exhausted by that time after a full morning of fun activities.

Summer Birthdays!
If your child has a summer birthday and you would like to do something to celebrate his/her birthday before school is out for the summer, just let me know.

Special points of interest:

· Fri., May 2nd-Field Day 11:30 dismissal-after school provided (Please wear “House” t-shirt  & shorts)
· Sun., May 4th-Founder’s Day 1:00
· Fri., May 16th Pirate Day
· Fri., May 23rd- Kindergarten Bridging-After morning Chapel

            Please continue practicing your lines for our Bridging Ceremony!

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