Monday, May 12, 2014

Kindergarten News 5-12-14
Special points of interest:

  • Tuesday, May 13th-Family Fun Night- games and skills to use over the summer in preparation for first grade. 
  • · Fri., May 16th-Pirate Day-Shiver me Timbers….Don’t forget about our pirate day this Friday, May 16th. All mates are to report to class dressed in pirate garb (optional-or everyday uniform). Leave yer weapons on yer ship and prepare for some swashbuckling fun.
     · Thurs., May 22nd-Class Party-/school wide picnic. I hope everyone received the email about our picnic.  The school will be ordering lunch for your child, unless your child would rather  bring his or her own lunch.  Please let the office know.  (House Shirt)
  • · Fri., May 23rd– Last Day of School  Kindergarten Bridging-after morning chapel. (Dress Uniform) Students may leave after kindergarten reception.
  • · Don’t forget about our summer camps.

The only student we have with perfect attendance in kindergarten this year is Stroud Searcy.  If our records are incorrect, please let us know. Sometimes we may mark a student absent and forget to change his or her status when they  arrive late.

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