Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kindergarten News  3/10/14
Space Week

 Last week our kindergartners blasted off into space learning about gravity and air.  Today they will be treated to an exhibition of launching a rocket using air pressure.  Last Friday, the children had fun playing space games and making space pudding. We also had two older students return to be teacher for the day!

As third quarter draws to a close this week, our kindergartners are getting ready for first grade. To help in the transition to first grade, we are going to revamp our nap time into a resting and reading time. We will continue to use this as a quiet time to rest and test the children on their sight words and books. The children swill spread out through the room with books to enjoy.  The students have become quite restless during nap, and we hope this will be a welcomed change. We told the children on Friday that they could keep their nap bags at home. 

Special points of interest:

· Thurs., Mar. 13th-Cookie Dough “Kick-Off”
· Fri., Mar. 14th-re-enrollment contracts due.  Gig T-shirt Day.
· Tues., April 25th-Zoo Field Trip

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