Monday, February 24, 2014

Kindergarten News-2-24-14

Get Away Gig!
   Please be sure to look on-line this week for a preview of our Get Away Gig auction items. I’m auctioning off a day as the kindergarten teacher. Breakfast & lunch will be included, and this  special student will have the opportunity to teach and construct the day’s routine. Also, I can’t wait for everyone to see the kindergarten masterpiece that Shelley Abernathy created.  I know everyone will want to bid on this one of a kind masterpiece!

Zoo Field Trip
Please go on the SGES website toFormstack and complete the permission slip for our upcoming field trip to the Atlanta Zoo, if you have not done so already.  This is our big field trip of the year.  The children are so excited.  We will send home more information as we become closer to the field trip date.

Scholastic Book orders are due Friday.  Also, don't forget to save your 2 liter bottles for class.

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