Monday, February 3, 2014

Kindergarten Newsletter


Special points of interest:

· Fri., Feb. 14th-Valentine’s Day Party
· Monday, Feb.  17th-Presidents’  Day
· Tues., Feb 18th-Winter Holiday/Teacher In-Service
· Wed., Feb. 19th-Parent/Teacher conference & Play practice.
· Thurs., Feb. 20th-School Play “Annie” at Gordon College-6:00
· Sat., March 1st-Get Away Gig
· Tues., Mar. 25th-Zoo Field trip

Conference Day

Parents/Teacher Conferences are on Wed., Feb. 19th.  Each conference will last 15 minutes.  Attached please find a list of scheduled times. If this time does not accommodate your schedule, please feel free to contact another parent and swap times. Just let me know.  I look forward to seeing you on the Wednesday the 19th.
· McPherson-1:30
· Shapard 1:45
· Matthews– 2:00
· Stover-3:15
· Boatright-3:30
· Craig-3:45
· Berner-4:15
· Blackwell-4:30
· Brinkman-5:00
· Hancher-5:15
· Searcy-5:30

Don’t forget to go on Formstack and complete the permission slip for play rehearsal on the afternoon of February 19th.

Valentine's Day Party
Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Friday, Feb. 14th. We are asking each child to bring in Valentines cards for all of his or her friends.   Also, we have two parents hosting our party, but only one can attend.  If you would like to come into class and help out, all extra hands would be appreciated.

Please save your 2 liter bottles and send them into class. Thanks 


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