Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Newsletter 1-20-14
Spirit Week
Tuesday -Pajama Day
Wednesday-Wacky Tacky Day-Wear your tackiest outfit!
Thursday-SGES Spirit Day-Wear a SGES shirt and jeans!
Pep Rally is at 2:30 in the gym.  Spirit night at the basketball games starts at 4:00 pm.  The Junior Dragon cheerleaders will cheer at the pep rally and at half-time of the girls game-around 6:20 pm.  They should wear their uniform or a St. George's shirt and jeans.
Join us for face painting and to cheer on the SGES basketball teams and the Junior Dragon Cheerleaders!
Friday-Rock Star Day-for kindergarteners

 Special Point of Interest:
· Tuesday, Jan. 28th-100th Day of School-Dress like your 100 year old.
· Fri., Feb. 14th-Valentines Day Party
· Mon.-Tues., Feb. 17th-18th-Winter Holidays
· Wed. Feb. 19th-Parent-Teacher Conferences (Please email me if you have a particular time that would be best for us to meet in the afternoon.)
Thurs., Feb. 20th-SGES performance of Annie at Gordon College-6:00pm

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