Monday, January 6, 2014

Show and Tell will be tomorrow.  This will give the children the opportunity to tell the class what they got for Christmas.

The Penguins Are Coming!
We will be studying about the Arctic and Antarctic circle during the month of January.  Part of our unit will focus on the animals and their habitats, penguins and polar bears. A penguin rookery is a place where penguins hatch their eggs and rear their young.   Please help your child construct a rookery to bring into class. To build a rookery, just fill a shoebox or basket with shreds of fabric, Kleenex, buttons, rocks, etc. The penguin eggs are fairly large.  Please have your child bring his or her rookery to class by next Monday, Jan. 13th., so their penguin eggs will stay warm.
Student's Behavior
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and we are so excited about starting a new year with the children. We are blessed with a great group of students in kindergarten. However, as we approach the second half of the year we have raised our expectations of behavior in preparation for first grade. The first part of the year was filled with reminders of how to make good choices, and now we expect the children to demonstrate how to make good choices independently.  This is the time of year in which we truly strive for great behavior. Please do not be surprised if you notice a note in your child’s folder, and do not hesitate to call me with any questions. We are also going to be on the look--out for students making good choices too.  We hope to have Lisa Mart next week, so the students can reap the benefit of making super choices during class. If you did any cleaning out of toys during the holidays and would like to make a donation to Lisa Mart; we would appreciate your donation. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a fabulous 2014.

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