Monday, January 13, 2014


We’ve got spirit, yes we do!
We’ve got spirit!  How about you?

The SGES Student Council
invites all students to join us
in celebrating SGES Spirit week!

Tuesday, Jan. 21 Friday, Jan. 24

Tuesday-Pajama Day –Wear your warm P.J ‘s.

Wednesday Wacky Tacky -Wednesday

 Wear your tackiest outfit!

Thursday SGES Spirit Day

Wear a SGES shirt and jeans!

(Pep Rally-2:15 in gym)

Spirit night - basketball games starts at 4:00pm. Join us for face painting

 and to cheer on the

SGES  basketball teams and Junior Dragon cheerleaders

Friday-Class voted on (Rock Stars)

Dress as your favorite Rock Star

Mark Your Calendars!
The kindergarteners will be performing Annie, with the rest of the SGES student body, on Thursday, February 20th at 6:00 at Gordon College.

100th Day Celebration!
Tuesday, January 28th is our 100th day of school.  The children may come dress as an 100 year old lady or gentleman. We will have several activities through out the day to celebrate.  

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