Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Field Trip Wednesday!
Our field trip to Home Depot is Wednesday. Please do not forget to have your child bring his or her car seat to school Wednesday. Students may wear their everyday uniform. Please make sure you have completed the permission form emailed out last week.
Special points of interest:
Wed., Dec. 17th-Home Depot Field Trip-Everyday uniform. Also, last day to bring in an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots.
Thurs., Dec.18th -Pajama Party and Lessons and Carols– The children may come to school dressed in his or her fuzzy pajamas (no nightgowns). We have several things planned for a very fun day. Please have your child wear athletic shoes with their pajamas so they may have some time to run around and play outside. I told the children they may bring slippers in their book bag to wear in the classroom, if they can put their shoes on by themselves. Lessons and Carols begins at 7:00 (3rd-8th grade perform) It’s a wonderful evening of Christmas music!
Fri., Dec.20th-Christmas Pageant –during morning Chapel (Pre-K through 2nd grade perform) and Christmas party following play-11:30 dismissal (no after school)