Monday, November 10, 2014

Kindergarten News  11-10-14

Field Trip Reminder

 Please do not forget to go on Formstack and fill out your child’s permission slip  for Madeline’s Christmas play on Fri., Dec. 5th.  All permission slips need to be in by Wed. Nov. 19th!   We are going to have a
wonderful time!

Dress Down Day Tomorrow
Tuesday is our first pep rally and home basketball game. Students may wear a SGES t-shirt and jeans to show their spirit. Students may also wear their everyday uniform, if they prefer! Pom-poms and tattoos are being sold at carpool for the pep rally and game.

Special points of interest:

· Tues., Nov.11th-Scholastic Orders are due
· Wed. Nov. 12th-Leaf Collection due
· Fri., Nov. 14th-Show and Tell
· Wed., Nov. 19th Thanksgiving Feast/House Competition. Students need to wear their “House” t-shirts, and they may wear jeans.
· Wed., Nov. 19th-Field trip permission slips due.
· Nov. 24th-28th-Thanksgiving Holidays
· Fri. Dec. 5th-Field trip-Legacy Theatre-Madeline’s Christmas

December and January lunch orders are now on Formstack for you to complete.  Because of the holidays, we are combining the two months together and both the December and January lunch orders will be due on November 19. 

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