Monday, December 1, 2014

Kindergarten News 12-1-14

Field Trip Friday
Our field trip to the Legacy Theatre is this Friday. Students need to wear their dress uniform and bring a large snack for the morning. We will leave school at 9:15 and return to school for a late lunch around 1:00.

Special points of interest:

Mon., Dec. 1st Kick-off

Thurs. Dec. 4th-Picture Retake Day
Fri., Dec. 5th-Field Trip-Madeline’s Christmas
Thurs., Dec. 18th –Pajama Day
Fri., Dec. 19th-Christmas Pageant (after chapel) and class party-11:30 dismissal

 Please make sure your child is
practicing his or her sight word list each night. We would like all students to have completed sight word list “9” by Christmas.

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