Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Special points of interest:

· Wed., Feb. 24th-Parent/Teacher conference. (Please email me if you would like a conference, and if you have a particular time that would best meet your schedule. The times are from 1:00-5:30.  I will try to accommodate your preferences.)

· Fri., Feb. 26th-All School Performance (Lion King Jr.-Lamar Fine Arts Center-6pm)

· Sat., Mar., 5th-Get Away Gig

The Get Away Gig is fast approaching.  There are a lot of wonderful items to be auctioned off during the evening. 

Mrs. Joan will be auctioning off “Kindergarten Teacher for the Day” which includes taking Buddy home for the summer and keeping his pal forever!  This may be for your child and sibling.  Mrs. Tammy is auctioning off being Mrs. Tammy for the day which includes being the After-school teacher for the day

Zoo Field Trip
   Permission slips for our field trip to the Atlanta Zoo in April were emailed last week. This is our big field trip of the year.  The children are so excited.  We will send home more information as we become closer to the field trip date.
Great Job!

So proud of our kindergarteners, they raised $570.00 for Noah’s Ark Sanctuary selling candy since December. Way to Go!   We received  thank you notes from Noah’s Ark and CURE (Children’s Cancer Society.)  They had nothing but praises for our sweet kindergarteners!


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