Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Special points of interest:

· Tues., Feb. 2nd-Scholastic orders due

· Fri., Feb. 5th-Treasure Chest Friday (Donations are always appreciated.)

· Wed., Feb. 10th-Field Trip to Macon Theatre

· Fri., Feb. 12th-Kindergartener’s are performing a song during Chapel and Valentine Day Party

· Mon.-Tues.-Feb. 15th-16th-President’s Day/Winter Break

· Wed. Feb. 24th-Parent/Teacher conference. (Please email me if you would like a conference, and if you have a particular time that would best meet your schedule. The times are from 1:00-5:30. I will try to accommodate your preference.

· Fri., Feb. 26th-All School Performance (Lion King Jr.-Lamar Fine Arts Center-6pm)

· Sat., Mar. 5th-Get Away Gig


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