Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindergarten News

Possible Field Trip?

I have been working with Home Depot trying to set up a workshop for next week. However, I can not get a definite answer from them.  I am suppose to hear back from them no later than tomorrow.  When I do,  I will send out an email for drivers.  I am so sorry that I am vague. Every year they host our kid’s workshop, but are always slow responding. Thanks for your understanding! It is a great field trip.

Special points of interest:

Mon., Nov. 30th- Kick-off for Toy for Tots
Tues. Dec. 1st-Picture Retake Day
(Please wear dress uniform, if planning for a picture retake
Thurs., Dec. 17th-Pajama Day
Fri., Dec. 18th-Christmas Pageant (after chapel) and class party-11:30 dismissal
 Please make sure your child is
practicing his or her sight word list each night. We would like all students to have completed sight word list “9” by Christmas.


Monday, November 16, 2015

Kindergarten News  11-16-15

Please do not forget to send in your leaf collection tomorrow.  Each child needs to bring in 6-8 leaves-different size and shapes.
Each year, St. John's Lutheran Church cooks and delivers about 5,000 Thanksgiving meals for people in our community.  This year, St. George's Episcopal School will help by donating cans of jellied cranberry sauce. Students may bring cans of jellied cranberry sauce to chapel every morning. The house with the most cans will get extra house points. The collection will end on Friday, November 20.  This project is being sponsored by our Middle School Beta Club.


SGES is going to be a drop off station for Toys for Tots this year. We will have a collection box at the school, and it will stay with us until December 7th.  Toys For Tots asks for new, unwrapped toys for ages 6 months to 13 years, both genders

Monday, November 9, 2015

Kindergarten News

Special points of interest:

· Fri., Nov. 13th Thanksgiving Feast/House Competition. Students need to wear their “House” t-shirts, and they may wear jeans

· Tues., Nov. 17th-Leaf Collection due (children need to bring in 6 or 8 different types of leaves.)

· Fri., Nov. 20th-Each year, St. John’s Lutheran Church cooks and delivers about 5,000 Thanksgiving meals for people in our community.  This year, St. George’s Episcopal School will help by donating cans of jellied cranberry sauce. Students may bring cans of jellied cranberry sauce to chapel every morning. The house with the most cans will get extra house points. The collection will end on Friday, November 20.

Nov. 23rd-27th-Thanksgiving Holidays
SGES Thanksgiving Feast
Our Thanksgiving Feast is this Friday. We are making Indian garb in class, and the children will be dressing as Indians for our feast. The students need to wear their “House” t-shirt and they may wear jeans to school. If you don’t want your child to wear face paint, please let us know.  
Also, the children will perform a short Indian song in Chapel on Friday.
We will be learning about trees and leaves next week. The children will be asked to bring in a leaf collection (6 –8 different shapes & sizes) next Tuesday. With all the rain, I thought it would be better to introduce our leaf unit next week.



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Kindergarten News
Family Turkey Project: 
Mr. Turkey needs help by dressing him in a disguise so he won’t be eaten for Thanksgiving. You may decorate him any way you would like. Please return Mr. Turkey by Nov. 5th.  Ideas from previous years are: penguin, Santa Claus, football player, ballerina, and hunter. This is a fun project to complete together.  Mr. Turkey sheet is included in Homework.

Special points of interest:

· Thurs., Nov. 5th-Mr. Turkey due
· Fri. Nov. 6th-T-shirts are due and $5.00 Dress Down Day for Cancer Drive
· Fri., Nov. 13th Thanksgiving Feast/House Competition. Students need to wear their “House” t-shirts, and they may wear jeans.
Nov. 23rd-27th-Thanksgiving Holidays

Please Send into Class:
Please send in a plain white t-shirt (adult size small ) by Friday. We are making   Indian costumes for
It appears we have had some “goblins” devouring our crayons in class. Please send in an extra box of crayons, if you get a chance.