Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kindergarten News  9-2-14

Special points of interest:

J Wed. Sept. 3rd-Magazine and Fall Flowers Final turn-in date.
J Sat. Sept. 6th-School Picnic-Pippin House 2:00-6:00
J Fri., Sept. 26th-Blessing of the  Animals

About our Week:

Math-Geometry and Patterns

Phonics-letter sounds and high frequency words


Social Studies-Ants

A Few Housekeeping Reminders

· In an effort to establish independent habits, we are asking the children to pack their own blankets and pillows in their nap bags after nap time.  Many of them are having great difficulty due to the size of the pillow and blanket. Please help me remind students they may only bring one small stuffed animal, small pillow, and small blanket for rest time.  All of these items should be able to fit within their black nap bags.  Unfortunately, a lot of items are ending up on the hallway floor.
· Also, please help me remind the girls not to wear a lot of jewelry.  They are playing with the jewelry, some jewelry pieces are getting broken, and some kindergartners are giving jewelry away to friends during class and causing hurt feelings among their other friends.
· Pleased don’t forget no loose nuts for lunch or snack. We have several nut allergies in the school.
Thank you for your help!

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