Saturday, August 23, 2014

Kindergarten News  8-25-14

We hope everyone received your child's portrait proofs in your child’s folder.  Also, new students received his or her “House” t-shirt in his or her book bag on Friday.

Special points of interest:
J Wed. Aug. 27th-Magazine and Fall Flowers turn-in date.
J Fri. Aug.  29th-House Competition (Students need to wear their House Shirts and shorts)
J Mon. Sept. 1st-Labor Day Holiday
J Wed. Sept. 3rd-Magazine and Fall Flowers Final turn-in date.
J Sat. Sept. 6th-School Picnic-Pippin House

Our Reading Buddy
Last week, we started our tradition of sending home “Buddy” with a classmate. Buddy is a stuffed bunny that goes home with a different child each night. The idea behind Buddy is that the child reads Buddy a story at night, or Buddy listens with your child as you read him or her a story. It is just another way of encouraging reading at home. Please be sure your child returns Buddy the following day to school, so that another friend might have the opportunity of taking Buddy home.

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