Monday, October 7, 2013

Kindergarten News 
   Grandparents' and Grand Friends' Day is this Friday.  We are all so excited. Students need to wear their Dress Uniforms. The festivities will begin at 8:00 with a continental breakfast served until 9:00.   At 9:00, our visitors will have the opportunity to see the students perform some musical numbers, buy Christmas Cards created by the students, and attend the Book Fair in the art room. They will also visit each child’s classroom.  School will be dismissed at 11:30 which will begin our Fall Break.  Most children leave school with their Grandparents on Friday. Please let us know if your child is not going home with his or her Grandparents or Grandfriends.

Dauset Trails
Our first field trip this year will be to Dauset Trails on Friday, Nov. 8th.  Dauset Trails is a nature center located approximately 30 minutes from school. The children will be able to observe Georgia wildlife, which is our next unit of study. We will need parent volunteers to drive. Please log onto SGES website and complete the Formstack link for our upcoming field trip. 
Thank you for your support!
Special points of interest:

  •  Mon.-Fri. Oct. 7th - 11th-  Book Fair
  •  Thurs., Oct. 10th-Fall Flower Pick-Up
  •  Fri. Oct. 11th-Grandparent’s Day. 11:30 dismissal (DRESS UNIFORM)
  •  Oct. 14th-18th-Fall Break
  •  Sat. Oct. 26th-Family Fun Night
  •  Fri. Nov. 8th-Dauset Trails-Field Trip

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