Monday, September 30, 2013

This Friday is the Armadillo Rodeo!
Don’t forget to mosey in on Friday in your western duds for a root tootin’ good time on the Kindergarten Ranch.  Sheriff Joan and Deputy Tammy request that all weapons be left back at the      homestead.
Turning the Tide!
Is a ministry that the First United Methodist Church in Griffin started to assist people in the community. Many people, unfortunately, are unable to afford to clean their clothes. The “Turning the Tide” ministry uses a local Laundromat in Griffin every Friday night to hand out Tide Pods and quarters for people to wash their laundry.  Some people bring all their clothes they own and even take the shirt off their back to wash. The children have decided to support this ministry as their service project for the year. We have decorated a Tide laundry bottle and basket to place in the lunch room.  We are going to fill the basket with cookies and fun size candy for all SGES students to buy for a quarter. Many students get a quarter back when they buy milk and pay a dollar.  That way students may have milk and cookies with lunch. Students may also donate money without a purchase. When we fill our Tide bottle up, the students are going to count the quarters and turn the proceeds into Griffin First Methodist to assist with this ministry. We would appreciate any assistance with our service project. We will need parents to take turns sending cookies or fun size candy. I am making cookies this week and having the kindergartners to bag them to kick off our service project on Wednesday. If you wish to assist, please email or send a note to let me know. The children are very excited.  Thanks for all you do and your support!

Special points of interest:

J Fri. Oct. 4th-Kindergarten”Armadillo” Rodeo (dress in western attire or school uniform)
J Fri. Oct.11th-Grandparent’s Day-Dress Uniform-11:30 dismissal 

About our Week:

Math-Numbers 0-10

Language arts-Phonics "a" and "i" 

Handwriting "t" "a", "d" "g""u"
Skills-classifying and categorizing

Science/Social Studies-Deserts

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