Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Kindergarten News 1-5-16

Special points of interest:

· Friday, Jan. 8th –Show and Tell
· Friday, Jan. 15th-Penguin rookeries are due.
· Monday, Jan. 18th– School Holiday/Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
· Friday, Jan. 22nd-Penguins Hatch
· Monday,. Jan. 25th-Spirit Week-Friday, Jan.29th-House Competition
Penguin Rookery
We are studying about the Arctic and Antarctic circle during this month, and part of our unit will focus on the animals and their habitats, penguins and polar bears. A penguin rookery is a place where penguins hatch their eggs and rear their young.  Please help your child construct a    rookery to bring into class. To build a rookery, just fill a shoebox or basket with shreds of fabric, Kleenex, buttons, rocks, etc. Please have your child bring his or her rookery to class by next Friday, Jan.

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