Sunday, August 16, 2015

Kindergarten News

Special points of interest:

J Tues. Aug. 18th Picture Day (Students need to wear their Dress Uniform) Curriculum Night 6:00

J Thurs. Aug. 20th-Magazine/Fall Flowers sales kick-off (look for information in your child’s folder)

J Wed. Aug. 26th-Parent/Teacher conferences 11:30 dismissal.

Sept 1st-Labor Day Holiday
Curriculum Night:
Curriculum night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 18th for PreK- 3 through 5th grade.  We will meet in the Chapel at 6:00 and move from the Chapel to the kindergarten classroom  after a short meeting. We will finish around 6:30 for the parents of 3rd through 5th grade to meet with their child’s teacher. Please remember curriculum night is for parents only.  Also, we will have sign-up sheets for parties and our upcoming Conference Day on    Wednesday, August 26th. I look forward to an exciting and successful school year

Homework will begin August 24h.  Your child will come home with a homework packet on Mondays.  Please send homework back in their folders on Fridays.  Your child will be doing various math and language arts exercises for homework.  In addition, please read with your child 5-10 minutes each night.  After we assess each student, we will begin sending home sight word lists and letter rings to work on at home.



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