Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kindergarten News  2-9-15

· Fri., Feb. 13th-Valentine’s Day Party and House Competition.  Students need to wear their “House” shirt, and they may wear jeans.
· Mon., Feb. 16th & Tues., Feb 17th-Winter Holidays
· Wed. Feb. 18th-Parent-Teacher Conference.  Students will have play practice after lunch while conferences are commencing with normal dismissal time at 3:00. They will practice on campus.
· Sat., March 7th-Get Away Gig
· Thurs., March 19th-School Play-Shrek

Don’t forget to send in your Valentine’s Day cards on Friday for your friends. We have attached a sheet with students names to assist in writing the cards.

Parents/Teacher Conferences are on Wed., Feb. 18th.  Each conference will last 15 minutes.  Attached please find a list of scheduled times. If this time does not accommodate your schedule, please feel free to contact another parent and swap times. Just let me know.  I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday the 18th.
· Powers-1:00
· Melton-1:15
· Remington-1:30
· Gammill-2:30
· Blackwell 2:45
· Benincosa-3:15· Foley-3:30
· Zink-3:45
· Thacker-4:00
· Dopson-5:00
· Buice-5:15

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