Thursday, February 19, 2015

Kindergarten News  2-19-15

     Going to the Zoo..Zoo..Zoo
What about You..You..You?

                     Kindergarten is going to the zoo on Tuesday,  April 28th. This will be our last field trip of the year.  To help defray the cost and ensure the safety of our children, we are asking that each parent bring his or her own child to the zoo.  We are planning to have each child and parent meet us at the zoo around 9:45.  We will then separate into small groups to tour the zoo.  Tickets will be ordered through the school to secure a group discount.  If you are unable to attend with your child, please let us know.  We will make arrangements to take your child to the zoo with us.   Please save the date!

The kindergarteners had an exciting time at their Valentine’s party last week. They loved the crafts and special treats provided by Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Taylor, and Mrs. Gammill. Many thanks to you all for a very SWEET party and to all for the wonderful Valentine cards and sweets.

Special points of interest:

· Sat., March 7th-Get Away Gig
· Thurs., March 19th-School Play-Shrek

                                                   Get Away Gig
Our Get Away Gig will be held on March 7th.  This is our biggest fund raiser of the year. It is a wonderful adult evening which includes dinner, beverages, and numerous items to bid on throughout the evening.  The teachers auction off fun days and items that are wonderful for special days and birthdays.
Happy Bidding!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kindergarten News  2-9-15

· Fri., Feb. 13th-Valentine’s Day Party and House Competition.  Students need to wear their “House” shirt, and they may wear jeans.
· Mon., Feb. 16th & Tues., Feb 17th-Winter Holidays
· Wed. Feb. 18th-Parent-Teacher Conference.  Students will have play practice after lunch while conferences are commencing with normal dismissal time at 3:00. They will practice on campus.
· Sat., March 7th-Get Away Gig
· Thurs., March 19th-School Play-Shrek

Don’t forget to send in your Valentine’s Day cards on Friday for your friends. We have attached a sheet with students names to assist in writing the cards.

Parents/Teacher Conferences are on Wed., Feb. 18th.  Each conference will last 15 minutes.  Attached please find a list of scheduled times. If this time does not accommodate your schedule, please feel free to contact another parent and swap times. Just let me know.  I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday the 18th.
· Powers-1:00
· Melton-1:15
· Remington-1:30
· Gammill-2:30
· Blackwell 2:45
· Benincosa-3:15· Foley-3:30
· Zink-3:45
· Thacker-4:00
· Dopson-5:00
· Buice-5:15

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Kindergarten news 2-3-15

Parents/Teacher Conferences are on Wed., Feb. 18th.  Each conference will last 15 minutes.  Attached please find a list of scheduled times. If this time does not accommodate your schedule, please feel free to contact another parent and swap times. Just let me know.  I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday the 18th.
· Powers-1:00
· Melton-1:15
· Remington-1:30
· Gammill-2:30
· Benincosa-3:15
· Foley-3:30
· Thacker-3:45
· Zink4:30
· Blackwell-4:45
· Dopson-5:00
· Buice-5:15

Special points of interest:

· Fri., Feb. 13th-Valentine’s Day Party and House Competition
· Monday, Feb.  16th-Presidents’  Day
· Tues., Feb 17th-Winter Holiday
· Wed., Feb. 18th-Parent/Teacher conference & Play practice.
· Sat., March 7th-Get Away Gig

Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Friday, Feb. 13th. We are asking each child to bring in Valentines cards for all of his or her friends.

Pictures for Bridging

Kindergarten always host a graduation program the last day of school.  We refer to the ceremony as our Bridging Ceremony.  Heather Foley, Olivia’s mother, has already spoken with photographer, Cindy Stansberry, in regards to taking pictures at the ceremony.  Below is a note from Heather that she would like for me to pass on to all the kindergarten parents.
Dear Parents,
Cindy Stansberry did a phenomenal job last time she was here to take pictures for our Bridging Ceremonies,  and I can not wait to have her there to capture these special moments for our family again.  I am going to attach some of her work so parents can get an idea of what they will receive. She takes pictures during the ceremony, individuals as well as family and friends. There are a TON of pictures on the CD/thumb drive Mrs. Joan has posted a couple of the pictures on the newsletter for your perusal.  They can also visit her website or facebook page to see more examples of her work if you are not familiar. She even took pictures at the reception. She was very thorough and all of the families were very pleased.

 She is keeping her pricing the same as before. $25 per disc. however she has added a new product that is available as well. Thumbdrives $30 You can specify which you prefer and send it in with a check payable to me and I will write one big check to Cindy or they can just make it payable to Cindy Stansberry. 
We do need to know who would like to take advantage of this so we can get the info to Cindy as soon as possible.

 Please save your 2 liter bottles and send them into class. Thanks

Scholastic Book orders due on Friday.

Children may bring in their nap bags to school for nap time.