Monday, January 26, 2015

Kindergarten News  1-26-15

Special Point of Interest:
· Fri., Feb. 13th-Valentines Day Party
· Mon.-Tues., Feb. 16th-17th-Winter Holidays
· Wed. Feb. 18th-Parent-Teacher Conferences (Please email me if you have a particular time that would be best for us to meet in the afternoon. 1:00-5:30)

The children are welcomed to bring their nap bags back to class for the remainder of the third quarter.  During the fourth quarter of kindergarten, we change from nap time to quiet time for reading, and we don't put out the mats. We do this in order to get our little ones ready for first grade. 

Thank You!
Thank you to Susan Drake and all the kindergartners for the wonderful birthday surprise! That was so sweet for them to remember me. 

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