Monday, October 28, 2013

Kindergarten News -October 28th

Halloween is almost here and our kindergarteners can hardly wait for their tricks and treats.  Thursday is our Halloween Party. The children may wear their costumes to school, and we will have our Halloween Parade at 1:45. The party will be after the parade. Please remember all weapons to costumes need to be kept at home.  Also, we are going to have a school mix-up lunch.  This is when students may eat with other students in the school. Please pack a lunch that does not  require microwave heating.

Family Turkey Project:  Mr. Turkey needs help by dressing him in a disguise so he won’t be eaten for Thanksgiving. You may decorate him any way you would like. Please return Mr. Turkey by Tuesday, Nov. 5th.  Ideas from previous years are: penguin, Santa Claus, football player, ballerina, and hunter. This is a fun project to complete together.  Mr. Turkey sheet is included in Homework

Please send in a plain white men’s t-shirt by Nov.  7th. We are making Indian costumes for Thanksgiving.   (Adult small)

Please check your sweatshirts for names.  Some of our students have misplaced their sweatshirts and jackets. Thanks for your help.

Special points of interest:

  • Mon., Oct. 28th-Report cards go home.
  • Thurs., Oct. 31st. Halloween Party/Mix-it-up-lunch, please do not send microwave lunches. 
  • Tues. Nov. 5th-Mr. Turkey project due.
  • Thurs. Nov. 7th-White T-shirts are due.
  • Fri., Nov. 8th-Dauset Trails Field Trip



Monday, October 21, 2013

Kindergarten New 10-21-13

McDonald's Lunch
  Hattie is treating the class tomorrow with lunch from McDonald's for her birthday.  The children may still bring their own lunch, if they wish. Thanks Hattie! Also, Autumn handed out birthday invitations to the entire class the day of Grandparent's Day.  If your child did not make it home with the invitation, please contact Autumn's mom for details. Her party is this Saturday. 

Dausett Trails
   Thank you to all who have already completed the Formstack for our upcoming field trip.  If you have not, please take a moment and go to the SGES website and complete the form. Thank you!

Halloween Party
    Next Thursday, will be our Halloween party.  The children may wear their costume to school. The school wide parade will be hosted in the afternoon. It should be a spooktacular time!

Thanksgiving Feast
     Please send in a plain white t-shirt (adult size small) by Nov. 7th.  We are making Indian costumes for Thanksgiving.

Other Field Trips
    In December, there will be two other field trips for the kindergarten class.  We will be attending the performance of Jack Frost in Tyrone, GA. on December 6th, and working on a field trip to the Home Depot Children's Workshop before the Christmas holidays. The holidays are fast approaching!

Special points of interest:
J Mon., Oct.. 21st Ghostly Gram sales begin (Student Council sales Tootsie Pops decorated like ghost before school each morning, and they will pass them out on Halloween.)
J Tues. Oct. 22nd-McDonald’s for Hattie’s birthday.
J Fri. Oct. 25th-Show and Tell
J Sat. Oct. 26th-Fall Family Fun Night at SGES
J Thurs Oct. 31st-Halloween Party (Students may wear their costume to school)
J Thurs. Nov. 7th-T-shirt for Thanksgiving due
J Fri., Nov. 8th-Dauset Trails Field Trip


Monday, October 7, 2013

Kindergarten News 
   Grandparents' and Grand Friends' Day is this Friday.  We are all so excited. Students need to wear their Dress Uniforms. The festivities will begin at 8:00 with a continental breakfast served until 9:00.   At 9:00, our visitors will have the opportunity to see the students perform some musical numbers, buy Christmas Cards created by the students, and attend the Book Fair in the art room. They will also visit each child’s classroom.  School will be dismissed at 11:30 which will begin our Fall Break.  Most children leave school with their Grandparents on Friday. Please let us know if your child is not going home with his or her Grandparents or Grandfriends.

Dauset Trails
Our first field trip this year will be to Dauset Trails on Friday, Nov. 8th.  Dauset Trails is a nature center located approximately 30 minutes from school. The children will be able to observe Georgia wildlife, which is our next unit of study. We will need parent volunteers to drive. Please log onto SGES website and complete the Formstack link for our upcoming field trip. 
Thank you for your support!
Special points of interest:

  •  Mon.-Fri. Oct. 7th - 11th-  Book Fair
  •  Thurs., Oct. 10th-Fall Flower Pick-Up
  •  Fri. Oct. 11th-Grandparent’s Day. 11:30 dismissal (DRESS UNIFORM)
  •  Oct. 14th-18th-Fall Break
  •  Sat. Oct. 26th-Family Fun Night
  •  Fri. Nov. 8th-Dauset Trails-Field Trip