Monday, September 30, 2013

This Friday is the Armadillo Rodeo!
Don’t forget to mosey in on Friday in your western duds for a root tootin’ good time on the Kindergarten Ranch.  Sheriff Joan and Deputy Tammy request that all weapons be left back at the      homestead.
Turning the Tide!
Is a ministry that the First United Methodist Church in Griffin started to assist people in the community. Many people, unfortunately, are unable to afford to clean their clothes. The “Turning the Tide” ministry uses a local Laundromat in Griffin every Friday night to hand out Tide Pods and quarters for people to wash their laundry.  Some people bring all their clothes they own and even take the shirt off their back to wash. The children have decided to support this ministry as their service project for the year. We have decorated a Tide laundry bottle and basket to place in the lunch room.  We are going to fill the basket with cookies and fun size candy for all SGES students to buy for a quarter. Many students get a quarter back when they buy milk and pay a dollar.  That way students may have milk and cookies with lunch. Students may also donate money without a purchase. When we fill our Tide bottle up, the students are going to count the quarters and turn the proceeds into Griffin First Methodist to assist with this ministry. We would appreciate any assistance with our service project. We will need parents to take turns sending cookies or fun size candy. I am making cookies this week and having the kindergartners to bag them to kick off our service project on Wednesday. If you wish to assist, please email or send a note to let me know. The children are very excited.  Thanks for all you do and your support!

Special points of interest:

J Fri. Oct. 4th-Kindergarten”Armadillo” Rodeo (dress in western attire or school uniform)
J Fri. Oct.11th-Grandparent’s Day-Dress Uniform-11:30 dismissal 

About our Week:

Math-Numbers 0-10

Language arts-Phonics "a" and "i" 

Handwriting "t" "a", "d" "g""u"
Skills-classifying and categorizing

Science/Social Studies-Deserts

Monday, September 23, 2013

Special points of interest:
· Fri., Sept. 27th-Blessing of the Animals.
This Friday is “Blessing of the Animals”. Please meet out front next to the picnic tables with your pet in the morning.  If you're unable to bring your pet, you may bring a picture of your pet or a picture of a relative’s or friend’s pet to be blessed.  Participation is completely optional, but the entire school will gather in front of the school to share in the festivities. All pets should be on a leash or in a pet carrier. All pets must go home after the blessing. Parents, please stay with your child and pet. If your child does not have a pet, and you do not have time to join us, please find one of us and let us know that your child is not with a parent so that we may have all  children accounted for outside.

· Mon., Sept. 30th-Scholastic Book Orders are due.

·    Fri., Oct. 4th-Kindergarten”Armadillo” Rodeo (dress in western attire or school uniform)

·    Fri., Oct. 11th-Grandparent’s Day (Please see form in child’s folder. Attached to homework packet.)

·   Mon., Oct. 14th-18th Fall Break

· Fri., Nov. 8th- Dauset Trails Field Trip–  Our first field trip this year will be to Dauset Trails on Friday, Nov. 8th.  Dauset Trails is a nature center located approximately 30 minutes from school.  The children will be able to observe Georgia wildlife, which is our next unit of study.  We will need parent volunteers to drive.  The permission slip will be uploaded to formstack the latter part of this week.  I will email you when the form is available.  I just wanted to go ahead and inform everyone of this upcoming field trip.  Thanks for all you do!

About our week:
Language Arts– Classifying and Categorizing, nouns and verbs
Science/Social Studies-desert and pets

Monday, September 16, 2013

Special points of interest:

J Fri., Sept. 20th-Show and Tell
J Fri. Sept. 27th-Blessing of the Animals
J Fri. Oct. 4th-Kindergarten”Armadillo” Rodeo (dress in western attire or school uniform)
J Fri. Oct.11th-Grandparent’s Day

 Family Project Fun
Decorate your armadillo! Be creative with his shell and use 
dried pasta, beans or whatever you can find around the house! (No loose nuts)
Armadillo sheet enclosed in your child's homework folder. We would like to have them returned by this Friday, Sept. 20th.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Special points of interest:

·    Fri., Sept.  13th-Lisa Mart (Donations are greatly appreciated)
·   Tues, Sept. 17th - Deadline for Fall Flowers and Poinsettias Orders
·   Wed., Sept. 18th - Deadline for School Pictures Orders
·    Fri., Sept. 20th –Show and Tell
·    Fri., Sept. 27th-Blessing of the Animals.
·    Fri., Oct. 4th-Kindergarten”Armadillo” Rodeo (dress in western attire or school uniform)
·    Fri., Oct. 11th-Grandparent’s Day

About our Week:

Math-Geometry and Patterns

Phonics-high frequency words/Classifying and Categorizing

Social Studies-Nutrition and ant (habitat and behavior)

Thank you all for signing-up for our various school events.  Below is a list of our classroom volunteers.  We still have a few open spots available.  If you have not had the opportunity to sign-up for a party, please go to Formstack on the school website.   The Christmas party will start after the children’s Christmas play in morning Chapel.

Thanks for all you do, Mrs. Joan

Room Parent-Shelley Abernathy

Halloween Party 1. Shelley Abernathy


Christmas Party  1.


Valentine’s Day Party  1. Amy Matthews

                                           2. Lindsay Boatright

End of the Year Party  1. Emily Berner


Bridging Reception    1. Stephanie Searcy

                                         2. Amy Matthews

Bridging Decorating   1. Lindsay Boatright

                                           2. Leigh Hancher

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Special Points of Interest:
· Wed. Sept. 4th-Final turn-in day for magazine sale.

About our Week:

Math-Geometry and Patterns

Phonics-letter sounds/High Frequency Words

Writing-letters H, K, L, U

Science/Social Studies-Nutrition and ant (habitat and behavior)


 In an effort to establish independent habits, we are asking the children to pack their own blankets and pillows in the nap bags after nap time. Many of them are having great difficulty due to the size of the pillows and blankets. Please check with your child to see if they are experiencing a problem. Most of them do not use their blanket because they get too warm. So a small blanket and pillow might work better for them. Thanks for your assistance.