Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Special points of interest:

Tues., Dec. 17th-Home Depot Field Trip
Thurs., Dec.19th -Pajama Party and Lessons and Carols– The children may come to school dressed in his or her fuzzy  pajamas (no nightgowns). We have several things planned for a very fun day. Please have your child wear athletic shoes with their pajamas so they may have some time to run around and play outside.  I told them they may bring slippers in their book bag to wear in the classroom.  Also, we will have our   TOYS FOR TOTS drive during morning Chapel.  Please feel free to bring in an unwrapped toy for donation. Lessons and Carols begins at 7:00 (3rd-8th grade perform)  It’s a wonderful evening of Christmas music!
Fri., Dec.20th-Christmas Pageant –during morning Chapel (Pre-K through 2nd grade perform) and Christmas party following play-11:30 dismissal (no after school) Parents, don’t forget to have your child bring a wrapped book to the children’s Christmas party for their book swap.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Home Depot Field Trip
    We are going to try and conclude our tree and wood unit next week with a field trip to Home Depot.  The children will be able to attend a children’s workshop and tour the facility.  The field trip will take place next Tuesday, December 17th.  We will leave school at 12:40 and return by 2:45.   I am so sorry for the last minute notice.  I have been trying contact the person in charge at Home Depot since the beginning of November.  They had a change over which caused the delay.  We are going to need drivers.  If we are unable to secure enough drivers, we will have to cancel.  So if you can find time to attend, that would be wonderful.  It is a fun field trip for the children, and there is no cost.  We use the items the children make as part of their Christmas gifts for their parents.  We call it our elf workshop field trip.
 Thank you for the consideration, Ms. Joan
Scholastic Order

 I  enclosed a Scholastic order form in your child’s folder.  I will need the orders back to tomorrow. In order to have them back before Christmas. 

Fri., Dec. 13th Show and Tell
Tues., Dec 17th-Home Depot Field Trip
Thurs., Dec. 19th Pajama Party
Fri., Dec. 20th-Christmas Pageant and Party 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Jack Frost
 Our field trip to the Legacy Theatre is this Friday. Students need to wear their dress uniform and bring a large snack for the morning. We will leave school at 9:15 and return to school for a late lunch around 1:00.

Turning the Tide Mission Project
We are in the final few weeks of our “Turning the Tide” mission project. Thank you for the contributions to our class project.  If you would like to donate a bag of candy or cookies, they have been selling quickly during lunch for a quarter. Thanks for all your support. The children are going to count all the quarters the week before Christmas break.

Christmas Cards
Please check your child's folder for Christmas Card orders.